Healthy Homes Solutions receives £490k to broaden support to help vulnerable people.


The Healthy Homes Vulnerability & VRS Initiative

Empowering Change: Effectively Engaging Vulnerable and Fuel-Poor Homes

Welcome to our initiative, where we dedicate our efforts to supporting the most vulnerable and fuel-poor homes across the UK. Through the Healthy Homes Solutions (HHS) and Vulnerability Registration Service (VRS) initiatives, we focus on making a significant impact on poverty, health, and energy sustainability. Our service can be found here:

Our approach combines advanced data analysis with decades of expertise to identify and assist those in dire need. By understanding and addressing the specific challenges faced by each household, we provide targeted interventions that improve living conditions and promote energy efficiency.

Explore our services and discover how we achieve a guaranteed Social Return on Investment (SROl) of 1:30, enhancing the well-being of communities and forging pathways out of vulnerability. Join us in making a difference — because everyone deserves a healthy, sustainable home.

Discover the Impact of the HHS and VRS Vulnerability Initiative

We are excited to share a new case study video produced by Wales and West Utilities, showcasing the unique benefits of our Vulnerability Registration Service (VRS). In this video, hear from our Managing Director, Derek Owen, and Rachel Verdini, VCMA Manager at Wales and West Utilities, as they discuss how this service is making a difference for vulnerable and fuel-poor households in the Wales and West regions. Learn firsthand why the HHS and VRS services are essential in providing support and improving live.

Discover the Healthy Homes Solutions Vulnerability Initiative

To understand the breadth and depth of the support we provide, watch our new video. It’s designed for you UK residents, giving insights into how we can help improve their living conditions and make their homes healthier and more sustainable.


Cadent Vulnerability


Cadent Vulnerability
Case Study


WWU Vulnerability


Vulnerability Insights

In collaboration

To talk to a member of our team email or call 0800 151 3014